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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

making money

no matter how old you are you have had to have heard the terms on line internet cyberspace the world wida people all over the world are basically aware the these service and communication media but have never gone on line to experience with billions of people in the world over 150 million have acces in thinternet and/or world wide web the internet was created in the 1960S bythe defense departmentnder under the authority of president Richard Nixon as a way for the worldS computers to seamlessly communicate if ever there were a nuclear holocaust Originaly the primary computer networks linked to this system of communcations were universities and govermment databases including the military and few large corporate systems the internet was essentially abandoned by the government in the early seventise for twenty years it was used mostly by reserchers and college students as a matter of fact it was considered bad taste for acompany to be on the internet until the creation of HTTPin 1991 hyper text transfer environment to one of graphics video and sound no longer a medium just for computer geeks and nerds the internet evolved into vivid ineteractivity the news media picked up on this govermment backed innovation and have sensationalized its growth ever since i imagin ..
someone once said success is 99%perspiation and 1% inspiration .i agree .that 1% inspiration is the spark or the genius, you might say, behind any endeavor. Without it, nothing would ever get done. Dreams would never become reality. In fact, there would be no dreams. While willingness to work hard is crucial to the success of any good plan, without that tiny spark of inspiration there would never be a plan.

I am convinced that inspiration is something that can be turned on, whenever you want, just like you turn on the lamp over your desk. You just need to know how. The key is to feed the mind - through listening, through reading, and through recognizing the possibility of all things. If you want to turn on your own inspiration, you'll need to keep an open mind, listen to others, weed out the negative, and focus on the positive.